Tess Donnelly: The difference between greatness and just average effective leadership floor covering news growth mindset personal growth Oct 19, 2022

[Originally published as part of a series in FCNews]


In my 25 years working in the flooring business, I have seen a lot of stores. I have been in incredibly beautiful locations, average...

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Taylor Brickman: Learning the Tricks of the Tile Trade floor covering news retail tile store tile retail May 17, 2022

[Originally published as part of a series in FCNews]

I help run a small, family-owned business, Tile Envy in LaPorte, Ind., that opened May 31, 2021. We have a showroom, and we offer design and...

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Cathy Buchanan: What Doesn't Kill You Makes You Stronger floor covering news Feb 07, 2022

 [Originally published as part of a series in FCNews]

Independent Carpet One has been in business since 1968, when my father, mother, uncle John and another family joined forces to provide...

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There is immense power when a group of people with similar interests gets together to work toward the same goals.ā€¯Ā ā€“ Idowu Koyenikan